Becoming Human
Preview of: Becoming Human

"~ Summary ~"

Becoming Human ~ Summary ~ What would you do for love? Well, if your dog-were like Scurvy and you were in love with a beautiful human-Sadian named Sophie would you risk death just to be with her. Scurvy has been in love with Sophie for years and one of the rare people who can understand him when he’s in a normal dog form. She is a dream seer that can communicate with nature, animals, trees, flowers and all that. His is a tragic story. His parents died when he was young in a bloody battle with the Panther Pack. Although the wolf pack was triumphant and came out the victors, there were casualties and his parents were among them. It wasn’t long after his parents died that he set off on his own and joined a pirate ship. He loved the sea and made friends with many of his shipmates. He was a strong force, and he was both useful on land and sea. His good friend and shipmate Sam Gamgee, who was married with five children, often invited him to stay with him and his family between voyages. Sam’s youngest daughter Sophie was the most special, not only could she communicate with him as a dog, but she had a sweet, sensitive nature that he had not seen in many. Over the years, his feelings for her had grown deeper, but there was one problem. He was a Sadian dog, and she was a Sadian human. It was forbidden for the two to mingle, so he kept his feelings to himself. He had taken on the role as her protector and stayed by her side. It was sometimes torturous because he knew he was in love with her, but there was nothing he could do about it. Then one day he overheard a conversation that Sophie was having with her sister, and she confessed that she was in love with him too. That is when he made the decision to do something about his condition. The only thing he wanted in life was to be with Sophie, so he enlists the help of a Sadian physician from his wolf pack. Emedra was one of the oldest and wisest of the Wolf Pack and learned years ago how to take human form. Scurvy was determined to learn the secret. Upon meeting with her he learns that it is possible and the only reason he has not been able to do it was because his parents had decided long ago to live their lives as dog-weres and never take human form again. As a result when Scurvy was born he was born a dog and didn’t learn the secrets of his werewolf form until he was in his teens. Learning to take human form is something his kind learned at a much younger age, and now at age 50 learning to become human could very well kill him, but Scurvy is willing to take that chance? Will he survive? (Note: When Scury speaks in his dog form only psychics and other weres can hear him.

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