Along the road of life we all want to be the best in the end and along the road of happiness we want to prove ourselves right. The maa culture was proud to produce their best and first daughter to attend the university. The people from this culture believe that once a girl passes through the knife then she's equally fit for marriage. Men are the ones allowed to attend school and are even served by women with great respect. If you are reading this I know what you are thinking, yes women were the weakest gender in maasai land. This ethnic group is found in some parts of Kenya, Tanzania and other few countries. They originated from Bar-el-ghazel in Sudan as an large group we name as the nilotes. The maasai are mainly pastoralists and build unique houses known as manyatta houses. A rich name but very dangerous superstitions, yes I know we lay on the same thinking level. To the maasai, their culture being the maa, a girl or women is an inferior being. They are regarded as children and their opinions regarded as of less meaning, they cannot sit or drink with the men rather they eat with children. After the developing of countries and when education was introduced, some girls and women realised that they have been harrased for long and formed organisations to create awareness but in a land like maasai it's a great risk.

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