Preview of: WHEN YOU LEFT ME


We kept giving our love the lead and truly he kept being the reason for me never to give up on the beautiful thing we created. Time went by and we never complained despite our small home with a round Italian construction table at the corner of our manageable sitting room. A slim board made of wood separated from the sitting room covering our favourite place of love, a place we shared our heart to heart talks, where nothing in the world mattered but just us. I can say that it was a very small home but a great one because it was built with love. Enough of the description, Daniel came home with the greatest news that changed our lives. He got a well paying job in a wine company and great money kept coming home but u know as they say, to much blessings may be a sure sign of bad luck. He kept bringing gifts home and yes I was happy but scared, scared that he may one day be different and I may not know him anymore. But he dint change, maybe I was just insecure and paranoid, his love for me grew stronger. We bought a house, I can call it a mansion because I've never seen a house so beautiful in my entire life, we vowed to pour out our love into it like never before. The house was just close to the vine yard, he couldn't stand to be away from home even for a half a day. Our new house was beautiful, after the gate was a garden of flowers that gave freshness to anyone who visited, there was also a garden cradle where you could relax and enjoy the air. The way to the house door was tiled and well landscaped. I couldn't imagine that that was our house. Inside the house was a corridor just after the door leading to the first room which was the sitting area. It was maginificent, it's curtains were matched with the seats and it exposed the true beauty of design. The floor was tiled to perfection and the walls were so beautiful, for a second I thought that I was dreaming but that's not a proper definition, I thought I was in another world . I can say that the architect did a great job. I cuddled up in Daniels arms thanking him for the work he had done. He kissed my forehead and told me the three magical words, no need to tell. I couldn't wait to see the bedroom, I ran up stairs with him trailing my back in joy. I couldn't believe it, it was over beautiful, everything was well arranged and so perfectly designed. The walls were red with white pillars on it to match the colours, love colours. I couldn't say more, I was filled with tears of joy, I couldn't believe this was happening. The night was beautiful, Daniel came close to me as I watched The view of lights outside our house, I could feel his warm breath and his gentle arms touching me, I couldn't resist him, I turned and faced him as he planted kisses all over my neck and slowly he carried me in bridal style and layed me on the magical bed. He couldn't stop kissing me and I couldn't help it, I mourned softly as he went down kissing my tummy. We made love that night, we couldn't stop smiling. He looked into my eyes and that look he gave me all the time sent shivers down my spine. I truly loved him and I kept thanking the heavens for such blessings, him by my side, everything was perfect.

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