Rise of the Green Dragon
Preview of: Rise of the Green Dragon

"Prologue: Where I Belong"

Drake crossed down an alley wearing a long trench coat he had borrowed from the Drell Institute's store room. He was traveling incognito, so he also wore a ball hat to hide his green Mohawk and pair of dark glasses to hide his noticeable green eyes. He didn't want anyone recognizing him, whether they be cop or criminal. After receiving a message, he snuck out to find out what it was all about. The call came from an old friend who wanted to meet in a secret place, but the sub-basement of his estranged girlfriend's apartment building wasn't exactly the most private of places, not when anyone who lived or worked in the building had access. Thinking about it, he asked himself who would be skulking down there at this time of night. He only waited a few moments, when a young man of nearly twenty-five approached. He was the maintenance man of the building and a former member of his gang, but only got the job as a favor to his father. It was also a way of keeping him honest and out of the gang life. "Hey, Hank," Drake said, pulling off his ball hat and dark glasses to reveal himself. "I haven't seen you much since you quit gang banging." "You know that wasn't the life for me," he said, while playing with an old dirty penny. "You were always too honest," Drake said, shaking his head. "So, what is so urgent?" "Someone wants to see you," he said, and Drake heard the clicking of metal on concrete. There was a rhythm to the clicking, one he recognized. "He called because I asked him to," he heard a woman's voice. He rolled his eyes realizing who it was. "What do you want, Lea?" he asked, a long huff following. "I'll leave you love birds alone," Hank said with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. Lea walked around Drake in a circle examining him. "So, living in the lap of luxury has made you soft."

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