When the Hunter Becomes the Hu
Preview of: When the Hunter Becomes the Hu

"When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted Page:"

Looking back I still wonder how it happened. How did I get to this point? I had been so careful up until now. Then it happened, something I never expected. Something I never anticipated. I remember it well because it is the only memory that is truly clear to me. It started out just like any other night. I took a walk down Main Street and turned the corner to my favorite watering hole. Benny’s wasn’t the classiest place in town, but it was easy to get a date there. The women who hung out there were so desperate they would swoon over any compliment. They made them easy prey. That night shouldn’t have been any different. I walked into Benny’s and sat down at the bar. “Hey, Earl,” I said to the bartender. “Hey, Jack,” he said to me, while wiping off the counter. He swiped his sweaty black hair out of his face. “What’s your pleasure?” I looked around the bar, from and plain wooden tables to the two pool tables in the back corner. That’s when I saw her, the woman in black. She wore a tight mini skirt, black tights and a form fitting black top that showed off her cleavage nicely. Her dark hair was free flowing and hung down passed her shoulders and down her back. As she leaned over to take a shot I could see a sparkle in her brown eyes. That’s when I knew she was the one, and I had to have her. I was so mesmerized by her I didn’t hear Earl at first. That is until he shouted. “Jack!”

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