The Wild Orchid
Preview of: The Wild Orchid

"Chapter 1"

Chapter One: The Accidental Eavesdropper The morning light shone through Zorell's bedroom window. The sun had just come up, and as with most mornings she was up earlier, even before the rooster cackled signifying the start of the day. Today wasn't like most days, for she had a reason to be up with the chickens. Her brother's wedding was to take place that day, not only his wedding but the wedding of her best friend Eloise. She never thought her brother was worthy of her friend, but Eloise's heart was set on the young man. Zorell, more than anyone else, approved of the marriage and not because their families had been close for more than a generation, but because there was real love between the two of them. She rose out of bed and grabbed her robe off the chair that sat near her bed. She slipped it on and walked over to her mirror. Her long chestnut hair was in disarray with her curls lying wildly over her shoulder. She ran a brush through her hair just as she heard a rapping at her door. Still with the brush in her hand, she stomped over to the door knowing already who was on the other side. She opened the door holding up the brush like a weapon. The person on the other side had a shocked look on their face. There was anger in her eyes as she opened her mouth to speak. "Devlin Dupree, what do you think you're doing?" she asked, holding onto the brush so tight her knuckles were turning white. She glared at the tall young man of twenty-four years. He had the same chestnut brown hair she did, but his eyes were a dark brown as opposed to her violet orbs. "I was just making sure you didn't oversleep," he said, putting his hands in front of him in surrender. "I never oversleep," she said, taking the brush and making a stroke through her hair. "You, dear brother, are a different story. Eloise would never forgive you if either of us if we were late to the wedding." "I would never be late to my wedding," Devlin said as he closed the door to his sister's bedroom. "Eloise might change her mind." Zorell saw the frightened look in her brother's eyes and chuckled at the thought. Not a very lady-like thing to do, but she never put on the niceties where Devlin was concerned.

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