Research on Onions and Garlic
Preview of: Research on Onions and Garlic

1Kehinde Alare, 2Taiwo Alare, 3Nallely Luviano
1Department of Medicine,2Mechanical and Production Engineering Department, 3Departamento do Horticultura 1Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria 2Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria 3Universadad Autónoma Agrarian Antonio Narro, Saltillo, Mexico

Garlic and onion has been of medicinal value in the treatment of hypertension and it also use by people who wanted to loose weight. This research looks in to the effects of these bulbs on the entire nervous system, mechanism of action , complications of over use. This research highlights the chemistry of the active components in ,these bulbs and it role in regulating body's autonomic functions and other possible prospects. This research also evaluates the effects of these bulbs on some selected organ systems.

Keywords: Garlic, Onion, Autonomic Nervous System,Allicin, Muscarinic Cholinergic Agonist, Cholinesterase Inhibitor, Blood Pressure,Alzheimer's Disease , GI motility,


Garlic(Allium sativa ) and onion(Allium cepa ) has been suspected to be of medicinal importance by the ancient scientists such as Pasteur in 1858[1] worked on the antibacterial activities of garlic. The production of tears triggers by slicing of onions and garlic made us suspect their effect on the bodies autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for their medicinal importance in regulating certain body's functions and in the restoration of body's system from a pathological state to the usually physiological state. The organosulphur compounds found in these bulbs are responsible for their effects on the

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